How would you describe the butterflies fluttering in you stomach before a big event or result announcement? Took a trip down the memory lane through the diary of my 12 year old self.
Number One
I sit nervously in my seat, All the tests are complete But the hardest is yet to come: The award ceremony makes me numb!
I’d be happy with a pass or two, Don’t dare to hope I may get through I hope I don’t fall on the stage, For that would be quite the outrage!
My name isn’t called in the list of pass, My heart shatters like broken glass My teammates rank numbers eleven and seven, Force a smile as I see them in heaven
My name is suddenly called out, I wonder what this is all about My friends hurry me down the aisle The walk to the platform seems long as a mile
I spot my group in the screaming crowd, Happy, excited and so very proud The huge trophy shines like the sun I can’t believe I’m number one!